Proposal and Survey for Social Media to Share Life Ambient Sounds Based on Theory of 3S ‒ Sharing Sound is Synchronizing
- Ttitle : Proposal and Survey for Social Media to Share Life Ambient Sounds Based on Theory of 3S ‒ Sharing Sound is Synchronizing
- Author : Mizuki Watanabe
- Affiliation : Toyo University
- Journal : International Journal of Applied Informatics and Media Design
- Volume : Vol.2
- ISSN : 2436-8814
- Pages : pp.4-13
- Date : March 2022
- Keywords : Application design, life ambient sound, social media, voice communication 1 In
Abstract : We propose a social media application to share daily ambient sound with others in this research. Then, we conduct a survey to prove our hypothesis about daily life sounds of and loneliness in silence based on Theory: 3S (Sharing Sound is Synchronizing) – that focuses on invisible sensory feeling. Social media using content like images and videos have been gaining attention, and it is becoming more and more diversified in recent years. In this age of variety of social media, we propose a social media that allows a large number of unspecified users to share sounds of their lives, thereby reducing loneliness and experiencing instantaneous feeling of connectedness. The act of sharing a sound and the “feeling of connectedness” evoked by it are closely related. We propose this as ‘3S Theory (Sharing Sound is Synchronizing)’ and place it as the concept of this application. This is a sense based on the invisible perception that others are living at the same time as we are. Specifically, it is said that humans have moments when they feel loneliness in silence. Therefore, we formulate several hypotheses regarding loneliness in silence and conduct a survey on them. We then verify the validity of the hypotheses and discuss the significance of this application to share daily ambient sounds.